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Address: Building ben Ismail Rue January 18 - Beja 9000
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Welcome to our space

- Est. 2021

Facts About Company

Soof is a Tunisian platform that promotes wool products, and provides raw material and equipment for knitting, crochet and embroidery. It also works on the financial empowerment of rural women.


50 +
Happy Clients
10 +
Skilled Stuff
Product Types
- Power of Wool-

Best Sellers Products

We support environmental awareness, just business practices, and health, and our selections illustrate that.

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Hand Knitted Doll

Spool knitting, corking, French knitting or tomboy knitting is a form of knitting that uses a spool with a number of nails around the rim to produce a narrow tube of fabric. The spool knitting devices are called knitting spools, knitting nancys, or French knitters.

The technique is to wrap the yarn around the spool’s pegs. The yarn is then lifted over, thereby creating stitches. This process is repeated continually until the project is complete.

Shop Online

Shopping at the store doesn't have to empty your wallet.

Free Shipping

Longnose whiptail catfish; whalefish, bottlenose.

Return Policy

Glassfish, brown trout velvetfish morid cod chub barracuda.

Payment Methods

Three spot gourami: cookie-cutter shark yellowtail.

Let`s Be Traditional

Shopping at the store doesn’t have to empty your wallet. Our store basics are our everyday low price products. Look for these for your every day staples, indicated by a store sticker.

- Sweet & Traditional -

Our Traditional Gallery

We support environmental awareness, just business practices,
and traditional , and our selections illustrate that.